Sunday, February 15, 2009

Start of 2009

I really can't believe how much has already happened this year! I am back in school at Cal State University of San Marcos taking my prerequisites for the teacher credentialing program. In the mean time, we are in the process of buying our first house! It's exciting and a little scary all at the same time. We are supposed to be moving on February 24th, and have been busy packing and organizing!

Cord got to take Rylinn to her first Daddy Daughter Dance last week at school and boy was she excited. Daddy took her to pick out a new dress and shoes for the special night. She is almost 6 now and is getting so big. I can't believe how grown up she is now. She just had to take a purse with her own camera to the dance, and she really wanted to wear lip stick. I let her take a little 'lip stick' AKA chap stick with her and thankfully that satisfied her. I hope you like the pictures! I will be posting the professional ones as soon as we get them.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009